I didn’t lift a finger to determine who my parents would be, my race, my gender, my prospects for good health, or the country into which I’d be born, yet all of these factors and more shaped what has followed.
It all came down to chance. The spin of a wheel. The roll of some dice. A lottery.
Finding The Parts That Remain
These past two weeks, I’ve been moving through places that I have thought of as home, steeping myself in the memories each one contains. The journey left me wondering if I even know what home truly is. The answer was no clearer when I got off the plane in San Diego on Monday night. Instead, it felt like washing up onto a foreign shore.
Waking Up in the Dark
I’m going to write this week about journaling. I warn you though, at any minute, I could go dark, really dark. Four o’clock in the morning dark, a time with which I’ve become intimately and reluctantly acquainted.
What if Parents Had to Get Licenses To Have Kids? Interview with Author Kristen Tsetsi
Happy New Year! It’s been a while since I’ve written here but I’m returning to share a conversation I’ve been having with Kristen Tsetsi, author of
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Spine Poem: The World We Live In
Some more #spinepoetry inspired by the books on my shelf and the world we live in. #nationalpoetrymonth With thanks and apologies to Jide Zeus Bonnie Zobell, Lidia
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Unruly Women Deserve a Spine Poem
A spine poem for unruly women everywhere. Adventures in #spinepoetry in honor of #nationalpoetrymonth. Thanks and apologies to Jodi Paloni, So Say We All, Julia Dixon Evans
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Variation on a Spine Poem
I’ve been doodling around on my bookshelves when I should be writing so I solved the problem by taking a stab at a few “spine poems.”
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#Today’s Walk: It Begins
It begins when I know that silence will hurt me and those I love, when the comfort of my life will not insulate me from the
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My Last Giveaway of the Year
Hi, All, Just a short post to let you all know that I’m giving away two signed copies of CASUALTIES on Monday, December 12. Win one
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Today’s Walk: A Quiet Dawn
“I haven’t got any special religion this morning. My God is the God of Walkers.” – Bruce Chatwin, In Patagonia Sunday morning. The mist so thick
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